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Events / Portfolios

Printmaking Sans Frontiers: Works by Hard Ground Printmakers 1989 - 2021

From Hard Ground up: Comerford returns to Aberdeen
Artist Hakim Anitola colour pallette @ Hard Ground studio 4 2015 Odo L`aiye - The world is a river. - by artist Hakim Anitolo

Odo L`aiye - The world is a river. portfolio of prints produced by Jonathan Comerford with artist Hakim Anitola Artist: Hakim Anitola - Artwork Master printmaker: Jonathan Comerford
Cape Harmony - Joshua Miles Printmaking Sans Frontiers Linocut project 2016 -Cape Town, South Africa 2016

District Six Museum Homecoming Centre Cape Town South Africa 2016
Head#1 - Silkscreen monoprint - Ed: 1/1 Image :H76cm x W56cm RUN AND JAC Printmaking Collaboration between Giacomo aka RUN and master printmaker, Jonathan Comerford

Prints by Italian artist and internationaly renown muralist produced in collaboration with master printmaker Jonathan Comerford - Hard Ground Printmakers,London
Artist making a colour seperation posotive. Silkscreen weekend workshops @ Hard Ground Printmakers, Stockwell, London.2014 .

Jonathan is running a series of weekend silkscreen workshops during 2015 for the practising artist to amateur.
Still life - Francine S Greenblatt - Silkscreen - Image H40 x W30 cm Published works by Jonathan Comerford

The gallery presents work produced by master print maker, Jonathan Comerford, since 1989, in collaboration with artists from Southern Africa, Europe and the United States.
Calling all contestants The Tin Boats portfolio.

A portfolio of 11 lithographs produced by the artist in 2005.
Poster South Africa `Black & White` London

A retrospective of linocuts by Billy Mandindi and Jonathan Comerford.


Copyright © 1988-2024 Hard Ground Printmakers | Jonathan Comerford™